Ever noticed how most young guns overlook their defenses? Yet, there's one thing they can't ignore – video games. Now, picture this: how can we infiltrate their beloved gaming realms with a message that truly hits home?

Introducing the Redoxon Defense Squad – an elite force comprised of the world's top Free Fire players. Their mission? To seek out the game's underdogs and shield them from defeat. Once identified, the Squad steps in, playing alongside and defending these players during their battles, ensuring nothing but victory.

Redoxon Defense Squad


Defending the weakest noobs

A top-tier squad featuring the world's finest Free Fire players, safeguarding the game's struggling newcomers. Demonstrating the critical value of robust defenses to all.


Case study



David Meneses
Senior Copywriter

MullenLowe SSP3: GLOBAL CCO: Jose Miguel Sokoloff / CCO: Carlos Anders Rodríguez / ECD: Diego Muñoz, Juan David Pardo, Jaime Duque / CD: Jhonattan Triviño, Juan Pablo Maldonado, Byron Poveda, Nestor Alfonso / AD: Jorge Luna, Anderson Alvarez, Andrés Jácome, Daniel Ramos / CW: David Meneses, Leonardo Jimenez

Bayer: GLOCAL CD: Alex Okada

Producer: Diptongo


Valvoline Pit Stop Challenge


Ride the Pride