Despite society's progress, sexism against women remains a big issue globally, particularly in Latin America. Sadly, even the media isn't exempt; we still see news with sexist headlines.

But then, on International Women’s Day, El Tiempo stepped up. They threw the challenge out there to female journalists nationwide: take those sexist headlines and rewrite them from your perspective. And wow, did they respond! The invitation sparked a powerful conversation on social media. In just a few days, not just journalists, but hundreds of women, took charge. They rewrote those headlines, replacing them with their own words, all under the empowering banner of #WomenRewriteWomen

Women Rewrite Women


It looks normal, until it’s rewritten.

El Tiempo, Colombia's top newspaper, aimed to make a bold statement on International Women's Day, setting a new standard for responsible journalism about women.



David Meneses
Senior Copywriter

MullenLowe SSP3: CCO: Carlos Andres Rodríguez / DC: Juan Manuel Prieto, Diego Muñoz, Duvan Villegas / CW: David Meneses, Juan Carlos Castaño / AD: Oscar Peña, Diego Lopez, / Video: Jonhatan Bolivar


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