Even with global efforts to combat sexism, it lingers, sometimes hidden in seemingly innocent questions. Recently, El Tiempo, Colombia's major newspaper, shed light on this issue by showcasing sexist queries aimed at accomplished women. This sparked a powerful conversation, led by some of the country's most respected journalists. They encouraged people to tag these women on social media and reask those questions, reclaiming the narrative and empowering women in the process.



Let’s reask, so sexist questions will never be asked again.

These questions became the inspiration for our TV and print ads, along with a special newspaper edition. In this edition, we amplified the voices of women through various articles, shedding light on the issue.



David Meneses
Senior Copywriter

MullenLowe SSP3: CCO: Carlos Andres Rodríguez / DC: Diego Muñoz, Juan David Pardo / CW: David Meneses / AD: Diego Lopez, Juan Monroy / Video: Alejandro Cañon


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